Fear and Anxiety Workshop


Anxiety is not in the mind, but in the body.

It does not arise from uncontrolled thoughts, but from a nervous system accustomed to living on alert. That is why it is felt before it is understood: like a weight in the chest, a lump in the throat, an emptiness in the stomach.

But instead of listening to these signals, we tend to fight them, looking for quick solutions or distractions. However, fear and anxiety are not enemies, but compasses that point out what we have not yet learned to sustain.

When we stop resisting anxiety and begin to inhabit it with presence, something changes, because the body does not need to be forced to calm, but accompanied with patience, and breathing is a very powerful way for this process, not as a tool to escape discomfort, but as a bridge to reconcile ourselves with it.

Meditative breathing does not eliminate anxiety, but it allows us to expand enough to sustain it without being consumed by it. Thus, fear stops screaming and begins to transform into something more habitable.

In this workshop, we will explore how fear and anxiety can be transmuted through the body and breathing. We do not seek to "manage" emotions, but rather to learn to feel them without getting caught up in them. Through self-attunement practices, we will make space for what previously seemed unbearable, allowing anxiety to become a force of self-knowledge rather than a prison.

"Don't feel alone, the whole universe is within you"
– Rumi –


We will learn, in a completely practical way, breathing exercises to neutralize fear and anxiety, so it is recommended to do the workshop in a quiet place without distractions.

We will explore how fear and anxiety can be transmuted through the body and breathing, along with ancient practices that work with what we now know as the vagus nerve, that part of the nervous system responsible for, among other things, states of calm and relaxation.

We do not seek to manage emotions, but to learn to feel them without getting caught in them. Through self-tuning practices, we will make space for what previously seemed unbearable, allowing anxiety to become a force of self-knowledge, instead of a prison.

The idea is that each person learns to develop a meditative state of tranquility from their own breathing, using breathing techniques and meditations that focus on the correct processing of fear, thus converting its paralyzing energy into a force for change and transformation.


You will receive a PDF manual with all the workshop techniques, illustrations and other topics related to fear and anxiety, so that you are motivated to continue practicing knowing exactly what you are doing, and why you are doing it; that is, from a psychologically and neurologically informed perspective.

Breathing meditation requires consistency, technique and precision to achieve concrete changes in our way of relating to emotions using breathing patterns, and the more informed we are about the theoretical details that accompany these exercises, the more our practice is enriched and therefore its results.


I'm Antonio, and I have more than 20 years of experience in meditation and ancient yoga, in India, Nepal and Costa Rica. Here you can read more.



Available in recorded version along with PDF guide.


8:00AM-1030AM (Costa Rica, Mexico)
9:00AM-11.30AM (Colombia)
10:00AM-12:30PM (Chile)
11:00AM-1:30PM (Argentina)
5:00PM-7:30PM (Madrid)


Live on Zoom.

* The workshop will be recorded.

FEE, US$45 p/person.

* The space is reserved via bank transfer, PayPal or SINPE-Costa Rican-mobile, by paying the entire rate. Tell me to send you the payment information only if you have already decided that you will do the workshop, please.

* If you pay in colones, use the sale rate according to the Central Bank of Costa Rica here.


– At the end of the workshop you will have solid breathing and meditative tools to begin to generate relief from your states of fear and anxiety.

– Although there is a theoretical component, 80% of the workshop is practical. The theory only complements your own experience so that you know exactly what you are doing, and how emotional balance happens within your body and mind.

– I recommend that you do the workshop in a quiet place with few distractions, in a comfortable position that you can maintain for a long time. It doesn't have to be on the floor with your legs crossed, you could perfectly sit on a chair, or on the edge of a bed, or against a wall.

– The program is only for those over 21 years of age.

– Cancellation policy: the amount is non-refundable but if for some reason you cannot attend, remember that the workshop will be recorded to watch later at your own pace.

Here you can read about Modo Elefante's concept.


Fill out the following form only if you have already made your reservation:

*Click here.
